Editorial Board

Editorial Board for the Journal of Music Research

The Chairperson:

Chia-Hong Drapal LIAO.


Yu-Hsiu LU, Yen-I LEE, Mei-Ling SHYU, Hsiao-Fen CHEN, Rom-Shing CHENG, Shan- Hua CHIEN, Lu-Fen YEN, Kii-Ming LO.


 College of Music, National Taiwan Normal University
Statutes Governing the Composition of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Music Research

Passed by the College Academic Development Council on September 30, 2016.
Amended and passed by the College Academic Development Council on October 14, 2021.

Article 1    To facilitate the publication of the Journal of Music Research (hereafter referred to as the Journal), the College of Music, National Taiwan Normal University (hereafter referred to as the College) establishes an Editorial Board for the Journal of Music Research (hereafter referred to as the Editorial Board).

Article 2    The Editorial Board consists of nine members with the Dean of the College of Music serving as the Chairperson, who may also serve as a member. In principle, members from within the College shall not exceed 1/2 and the rest from outside of the university. All the members shall be recommended by the Dean of the College of Music. The term of the board members is three years and they can be re-appointed for successive terms. When members cannot continue their service during the term, the Dean shall appoint new members to replace them.

Article 3    The Board shall appoint one General Editor, which is a position without pay. The General Editor shall be recommended by the Dean and approved by the College Academic Development Council. The term of office is one year, and he/she may be re-appointed successively. The General Editor is in charge of the editorial policies, call for papers, academic review and the publication of the Journal. Recommended by the General Editor, an Executive Editor shall be appointed after the approval of the College Dean. The Executive Editor assists with the administrative affairs related to call for papers, collecting manuscripts, reviewing procedure and the formatting of the manuscripts. The College Secretary shall serve as the Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board to assist with the administrative affairs related to the publication of the Journal.

Article 4    The Editor General selects two external scholars in related fields to conduct peer review of each manuscript submitted to the Journal. In addition to a written statement of suggestions and commentaries, the reviewers should specify whether the manuscript be accepted for publication.

Article 5   The Journal publishes in May and November each year. An Editorial Board meeting shall be convened before the publication of each issue, interim meetings shall be convened whenever necessary. The Editorial Board meeting should have the attendance of majority. 

Article 6    The Editorial Board shall decide whether a manuscript be accepted for publication in accordance with the results of academic review and shall manage special cases impartially.

Article 7    To take effect, these Statutes should be passed by the College Academic Development Council. Amendments to the Statutes shall undergo the same procedure to become effective.

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