Graduate Institute of Ethnomusicology


Founded in August 2002, the Graduate Institute of Ethnomusicology covers three areas of concentration: Research and Preservation, Performance and Heritage, and Multimedia Applications, which was initiated in 2006 with the aim of improving students’ information skills and competence and bringing the traditional values together with the modern information society. We are dedicated to in-depth research on Taiwan’s traditional music culture, its performance and education and its preservation. In recent years, we have diversified our studies to include the neighboring Austronesian cultures and digital archiving. The institute’s mission is to train skilled personnel in academic research, performance, teaching and applications of ethnic music, as well as explore creative possibilities for the preservation, research, innovation, promotion and dissemination of Taiwan’s traditional music.


Interdisciplinary studies are a hallmark of the Graduate Institute of Ethnomusicology. Students in each area of concentration are required to take a minimum of 10 credits for required courses and 24 elective credits.

Required Common Courses

Research Methodology

Introduction to Music Philosophy

Required Area-specific Courses

Performance and Heritage

Research and Preservation

Multimedia Applications

Major (Pipa or Erhu)

Introduction to Ethnomusicology

Foundations of Computer-Generated Sound and Multimedia Application

Music Analysis

Study of the Comparison between Chinese and Western Music

Theory and Practice in Musical Multi-media


Mode of Traditional Music

History of Sound Recording


Elective Courses

Ensemble and Choir

Ensemble of Nankuan & Peikuan Music

Special Topics on Bow Instrument

Special Topics on Pluck Instruments.

Studies in Contemporary Si-zhu Ensemble

Music History and Literature

Special Topics in Chinese Ancient Music

Ritual and Theatre

Study of Taiwan Modern Music

Studies in Nankuan Music

Musical Documents Arrangement

Studies in Peikuan Music

Source Readings in Music History

Traditional Music and Society

Taiwanese Opera and Traditional Culture

Popular Music

Music Ontology

The Study on Taiwan Indigenous People’s Music.

Practice on Nankuan Vocal Music

Comparative Study of Cultural Zone on Austronesian Music

Music Notation

Seminar in Taiwan Contemporary Music

Studies in Aesthetics of Music

Musical Field Work

Chinese Drum Pattern

Seminar on Tonal System

Seminar on Asia-Pacific Contemporary Music.

Study on Taoism Ritual and Music

Theory and Practice in Musical Communication

Studies in Instrumental Music of Nankuan and Peikuan

Seminar in Notation

Music and Multimedia

Physical Interaction Design for Music and Multimedia

Special Topics on Music Digital Archives

Special Topics on Recording Production

Advanced Film Music Scoring

Special Topics on Multimedia Production

Final Project

Seminar in Analysis, Performance, and Recording (in English)


The Graduate Institute of Ethnomusicology offers independent teaching space for each area of concentration while also sharing facilities and resources with other departments and graduate institutes in the College of Music, including the recital hall, the music library, the piano rooms, the multi-functioned classrooms, and the theater.

In September 2004, the Department of Music and our institute co-founded the first institution dedicated to digital music archiving among Taiwan’s music colleges, the Music Digital Archive Center, which has since joined the lineup of teaching and practice facilities of the College of Music and contributed to the improvement in the quality of academic outputs.

Contact Us

Graduate Institute of Ethnomusicology, National Taiwan Normal University
Mailing Address: 162, HePing East Road, Section 1, Taipei,Taiwan (106)

TEL: 7749-5446

FAX: 2364-0575

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