Bachelor Degree Program of Performing Arts
I. Purpose
In December 2009, the government passed the first reading of the “Cultural and Creative Industry Development Act (draft)”. The act will be listed as a national priority policy project, in which “performance art” will be a key project.
Undergraduate Program of Performing Arts continues the missions of the Graduate Institute of Performing Arts─ not only dedicating to teaching and studying of professional knowledge, but also maintaining a good, close relationship with other industries. Therefore, this course of study aims to effectively integrate arts, business, production sectors, and academic resources with high-quality professional teachers. The integration with the profound humane arts and aesthetics of National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) will cultivate students’ ability of innovative thinking and the skills of implementation. It will become the core of Taiwan’s performing arts education, fostering Taiwan’s performing arts, creative industry-related professionals, and excellent teachers.
II. Main Features
The Programm integrates teachers from relevant apartments at NTNU to design professional and cross-practice courses of performing arts. With the creative and professional teaching, there will be an integration of science and technology, humanities, arts, management at NTNU. This will show the best benefit of performing arts in the relevant fields and industries.
The Programm is the first-established program in Taiwan which provides students with both teaching ability and degree of “performance arts” after graduation. Since it is difficult to get a teaching position now, having this degree will be a great advantage in job market.
III. Goal
(i) To enhance competitiveness
(ii) To integrate multi-professionals
(iii) To construct the platform for arts and science
(iv) To promote the industry-academic cooperation
IV. Course Features
1. This program puts emphasis on both theory and practice.
2. All the teachers have outstanding achievements as professionals of industry or of academics.
3. The Programm provides students with internships along with various types of activities at school. With the integration of school teaching and administrative resources, students will have abundant opportunity for practical learning.
V. Future Prospects
(i) Focusing on the development of musical theater, performing arts and performing marketing cooperation fields of the performing arts
(ii) Complying with the national development policies
(iii) Establishing the international platform for the industry, government and academia, and science
(IV) Establishing a word-class level “Teaching Center of Performing Arts”
Contact Us
Graduate Institute of Performing Arts, National Taiwan Normal University
Mailing Address: 162, HePing East Road, Section 1, Taipei,Taiwan (10610)
TEL: 7749-5485 or 5487
FAX: 886-2-3393-6131