Regulations for Submission

College of Music, National Taiwan Normal University
Regulations for Submission, Journal of Music Research

Amended and passed by the First Editorial Board Meeting on March 24, 2008
Amended and passed by the Academic Development Council on December 16, 2009
Amended and passed by the Academic Development Council on March 23, 2010
Amended and passed by the College Academic Development Council on January 11, 2013
Amended and passed by the College Academic Development Council on September 30, 2016
Amended and passed by the College Academic Development Council on November 2, 2018
Amended and passed by the College Academic Development Council on December 25, 2020
Amended and passed by the College Academic Development Council on June 30, 2022


The Journal is a scholarly publication committed to music studies. The Editorial Board welcomes manuscripts of original essays on academic music research or translation of classic musical treatises.


The Journal publishes in May and November each year and calls for submission on a regular basis. Manuscripts will be reviewed upon submission. On principle, each issue will only publish one article by the same author.


Contributors should send the digital files of Author Information Form (PDF) and the manuscript (in MS Word or PDF) to the e-mail: or on a laser diskette to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Music Research at the following address:
College of Music
National Taiwan Normal University
31, Shida Rd., Da’an Dist.,
Taipei 10645, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Manuscript will be reviewed anonymously by at least two scholars. The Editorial Office will notify the contributors when the manuscript is rejected.


The Journal accepts submissions in both Chinese and English. Papers in Chinese should not exceed 30 pages and should be between 8,000 to 20,000 characters (excluding footnotes, bibliography and abstract). Papers in English should be between 15 to 40 pages (formatted in A4 size, typeset in 12-point Times New Roman and double-spaced throughout). Translations are limited to scholarly or classic music treatises and the target language should be Chinese. Annotations and references should accompany the translated text. Preferred length of the translation is the same as papers in Chinese.


Contributors should submit the title of the manuscript, abstracts (from 300 to 500 words), and 5 key words in both English and Chinese. Bibliography should be attached by the end of the manuscript and should list only the works cited in the manuscript.


The Editorial Board only accepts submissions written according to the Style Guide of the Journal of Music Research.


The Journal does not publish manuscripts that do not meet the aims and scopes of the Journal, violate intellectual integrity, or those previously published, non-academic essays or articles without proper documentation of references.


The Editorial Board shall decide whether manuscripts be accepted for publication after academic peer review.


Authors whose papers have been accepted should sign the Copyright Authorization Letter granting the Journal the non-exclusive right to entrust a third-party to publish electronically as well as the right to conduct digital transmission, which includes duplication, file download and printing. The author retains the copyright of the paper. When articles in Chinese are recommended by the Editorial Board to be published with a long summary in English, authors should provide either the English or Chinese long summary within a week upon receiving the notice; with the latter, the Editorial Office will arrange the English translation.


After the papers are published, the authors are solely responsible for ethical disputes involved.


To take effect, the Regulations should be passed by the College Academic Development Council. Amendments to the Statutes shall undergo the same procedure to become effective.

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