College of Music, National Taiwan Normal University Style Guide for the Journal of Music Research
Amended and passed by the First Editorial Board Meeting of the Journal on March 24, 2008
Amended and passed by the First Academic Council of the Journal on December 16, 2009
Amended and passed by the First Academic Council of the Journal on March 23, 2010
Amended and passed by the College Academic Development Council on January 11, 2013
Amended and passed by the College Academic Development Council on September 30, 2016
Amended and passed by the College Academic Development Council on November 2, 2018 Amended and passed by the College Academic Development Council on October 14, 2021
To facilitate editorial work, manuscript should be prepared according to the Turabian Manual for Writers; in cases of disciplinary requirement, manuscript can be prepared in APA format too. As the Turabian Manual for Writers is designed mainly for the English language, contributors can make minor changes when rules do not apply in manuscripts written in Chinese. Here are some of the general principles:
Please type horizontally on A4 paper.
Manuscript should be typewritten in 12-point in MingLiU and double-spaced throughout; quotations should be in KaiU. English and other Roman-script languages should be typed in 12-point Times New Roman.
Chinese titles of books, journals, and musical works should be indicated by 《 》, for example: 《蝴蝶夫人》, while English titles in italics, for example: Turandot.
Titles of dissertations, theses, academic papers, and pieces from musical works should be indicated by 〈〉, for example: 〈固定樂思—白遼士執念的樂音實踐〉, 〈中國詩與馬勒的《大地之歌》〉、〈美好的一日〉, while English titles indicated by “ ”, for example: “New Documents on the Encounter of European and Chinese Music.” Qu Pai (Tunes for Qu) should be indicated by【】, for example: 【蝶戀花】.
When proper nouns or people’s names in foreign languages appear for the first time, Chinese translations are to be followed by the original in parentheses; for Chinese and foreign names of people, birth and decease years should be indicated, for those living only the birth year. For example: 韓德爾 (George Frideric Handel, 1685-1759), 黎姆 (Wolfgang Rihm, b. 1952).
Notes should be presented at the bottom of the page and for the Chinese typeset 10-point in MingLiU in accordance with the following format :
Books :
Name of the author
Title of the article or the title of the designated volume (the Volume No. of the Book cited should be indicated)
Names of the translator or the series editors
Title of the Series and the volume title or number
Publication data (should be provided in parentheses when quoted in the manuscript for the first time) including (1) Place (2) Publisher (3) year and edition (omitted in cases of first edition)
The chapter and page number(s) of the quotation
Only academic materials from the Internet can be referred to and the URLs of the sources and the date of retrieval should be indicted.
Carl Dahlhaus, Nineteenth-Century Music, trans. J. Bradford Robinson (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989), 96.
Edward Seckerson,《馬勒》,白裕承譯(台北:智庫1995),116。
Robin Thompson, “Japan, VIII, 1: Regional traditions: Ryūkyū,” in The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd ed., ed. Stanley Sadie (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2002), 12:876-878.
Norbert Böker-Heil et al., “Lied,” Grove Music Online, Oxford Music Online, last modified October 26, 2011, accessed November 1, 2018,
Chapter from Books/Conference Proceedings and Journal Articles: Titles of the books and conference proceedings should be indicated with the volume number; for journal articles, names, volume/issue numbers, but information about the place and publisher should be omitted. For all of the above, only the page number(s) of the quotation should be given.
Carl Dahlhaus, “Zur Problematik der musikalischen Gattungen im 19. Jahrhundert,” in Gattungen der Musik in Einzel-darstellungen: Gedenkschrift Leo Schrade, ed. Wulf Arlt, Ernst Lichtenhahn and Hans Oesch (Bern: Francke, 1973), 840.
Hermann Danuser, “Der Orchestergesang des Fin de siècle: Eine historische und äesthetische Skizze”, Die Musikforschung 30, no. 4 (1977): 425.
When the same source is used for the second time, it should be presented in the abridged style. For Example:
Bibliography: Bibliography should list only materials cited in the footnotes. Bibliography in Chinese should be typeset 12-pointin in MingLiU and the references in foreign languages precede those in Chinese. References in foreign languages are listed in the alphabetical order of authors’ names and the Chinese in number of strokes of the authors’ family name or the year of publication. The format is as follows:
Books :
Name of the author
Title of the article or of the volume (the Volume No. of the Book cited should be indicated)
Name of the editor or translator
Title of the series and the number or title of the volume
Publication data: (1) place (2) publisher (3) year and edition (omitted in cases of first edition)
Dahlhaus, Carl. Nineteenth-Century Music. Translated by J. Bradford Robinson. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989.
Seckerson, Edward。《馬勒》。白裕承 譯。臺北:智庫,1995。
Thompson, Robin. “Japan, VIII, 1: Regional traditions: Ryūkyū.” In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd ed., edited by Stanley Sadie, 12:876-878. London: Macmillan Publishers, 2002.
Böker-Heil, Norbert et al. “Lied.” Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online. Last modified October 26, 2011. Accessed November 1, 2018.
Chapter from Books/Conference Proceedings and Journal Articles: Titles of the books and conference proceedings should be indicated with the volume number; for journal articles, names, volume/issue numbers. For all of the above, page numbers should be given.
Dahlhaus, Carl. “Zur Problematik der musikalischen Gattungen im 19. Jahrhundert.” In Gattungen der Musik in Einzeldarstellungen: Gedenkschrift Leo Schrade, edited by Wulf Arlt, Ernst Lichtenhahn and Hans Oesch, 840-895. Bern: Francke, 1973.
Danuser, Hermann. “Der Orchestergesang des Fin de siècle: Eine historische und äesthetische Skizze.” Die Musikforschung 30, no. 4 (1977): 425-451.
To take effect, the Style Guide should be passed by the College Academic Development Council. Amendments to the Statutes shall undergo the same procedure to become effective.